Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 296

  • 1.6.2023

    A useful tool that helps add depth to ChatGPT’s answers. It’s not something I realized I needed until I started using it. Now, it’s hard to imagine going back.

  • 1.6.2023

    这款用于 Web 的免费 AI Copilot提供了许多令人印象深刻的功能。首先,它使用了多种强大的人工智能技术,包括ChatGPT、Bard、Bing和Claude,使得在任何网站上使用变得非常便捷。无需复制粘贴,只需简单地使用插件和GPT-4即可享受它们的功能。 该工具可以一键编写、重写、总结、翻译、解释或回复任何文本,这对于需要快速处理大量文本的人来说是非常有用的。无论是在写作、翻译还是回复电子邮件时,它都可以提供帮助和支持。 另一个令人高兴的方面是,使用该工具访问ChatGPT、Bard、Bing和Claude变得非常简单。只需按下Cmd/Alt + J组合键即可立即使用它们的功能,而且无需ChatGPT (OpenAI)账户。这为用户节省了宝贵的时间和精力。 最令人兴奋的是,这个AI Copilot提供了完全免费的服务,并且速度与ChatGPT Plus相当。这意味着用户不仅可以享受到强大的AI支持,还能节省开支。这对于那些预算有限或希望充分利用人工智能技术的用户来说是一个巨大的优势。 总的来说,这个免费AI Copilot为Web用户带来了许多便利和效益。它的功能强大,使用简单,速度快,而且完全免费。无论是专业写手、翻译员还是普通用户,都可以从中受益。如果你正在寻找一个高效的AI助手,我强烈推荐你试试这个免费AI Copilot。

  • 1.6.2023

    Great extension, thank you. Here’s my prompt. Act as a personal assistant, summarizing the following transcript so I don’t need to watch the video. Start with “Summary: (title of the following Transcript)”. Then: “Key takeway: (most important, practically useful idea, CONCLUSION of the Transcript in exactly ONE sentence, which is not just retelling what transcript is about)”. Then write as numbered list key takeaways from the following transcript. In each takeaway, describe all mentioned examples, as DETAILED as possible. After that, list names of the key takeaways, but make it SHORT, only names. After that, act as an expert in this field: consider ALL mentioned key takeaways, and generate ONE NEW example, different from mentioned in the transcript.

  • 1.6.2023

    This is such a lifesaver! Saves huge amount of time by eliminating the need to go through the article completely.

  • 1.6.2023

    Sin duda es una de las IA’s más versátiles de la actualidad gracias a las múltiples herramientas que nos ofrece de manera separada, lo que se traduce en un mejor desempeño para cumplir la tarea solicitada que una IA con respuestas generales.

  • 1.6.2023

    chatgpt4 is really awesome it has a whole Buch of tools you can ask it all kinds of questions and it will answer it for you really quick to make it even better when it answers your question it will provide links to where it got its information and it can make pictures to!

  • 31.5.2023

    Great extension! It’s like having a personal AI copilot that can help you with any text on any website. The best part is it’s free and supports popular AI providers like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, and Claude. Highly recommended!

  • 31.5.2023

    Love this chrome extension! It’s so easy to access and use, and it has made a huge difference in my productivity. Thanks, UseChatGPT.AI!

  • 31.5.2023

    Sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso dall’esperienza offerta da ChatSonic. Questa piattaforma di chat online ha superato le mie aspettative in termini di funzionalità, versatilità e capacità di rispondere alle mie domande e richieste. Una delle cose che ho apprezzato di più riguardo a ChatSonic è la sua intelligenza artificiale avanzata. Il sistema è in grado di comprendere il contesto delle mie domande e di fornire risposte coerenti e precise. Sia che stessi cercando informazioni sulle notizie di attualità, sulle ricette di cucina o sulla storia dell’arte, ChatSonic era sempre pronto ad aiutarmi.

  • 31.5.2023

    I continue to be blown away by the never-ending use cases and efficiency that this tools allows. Thank you for making my job more fun and productive!