Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 433

  • 10.4.2023

    This is the absolultly the best ChatGPT based plugin so far. it saves me the back and foward process and the fact that it has so many features but templates also helps me to understand and apply them for my day to day work. Sometimes the text gets cut off but since it is based on the openai chatgpt website, every conversation is saved so I find the full ChatGPT response. A very well thought plugin

  • 10.4.2023

    This product has helped me streamline my workflow and be more productive than ever before. I’m grateful for the time it’s saved me.

  • 10.4.2023

    Written using this ;) -“Use ChatGPT” is a free Chrome extension that improves productivity with easy access to ChatGPT and GPT-4 AI. -Users can write, rephrase, summarize, translate, explain, or reply to any website text without copy-pasting. -The ChatGPT sidebar is accessed with Cmd/Alt + J, and users can rewrite, summarize, translate, or explain text in one click. -The extension also simplifies complex text, generates personalized replies in seconds, and works with any website text. -“Use ChatGPT” is available in all languages, free, privacy-friendly, and continuously improving.

  • 9.4.2023

    “I absolutely love this extension! It has been incredibly useful and has made my browsing experience much smoother. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their browser capabilities.”

  • 9.4.2023

    I recently stumbled upon HARPA AI, a ChatGPT Web Automation Assistant, and I must say that it is simply amazing! I have used other similar competitor extensions before, but none of them come even close to the level of intelligence and efficiency that HARPA AI offers. What I love about HARPA AI is that it feels like having a personalized AI assistant right in my browser. The extension is incredibly user-friendly and easy to use, which is a huge plus for me. One of the standout features of HARPA AI is its ability to integrate seamlessly with ChatGPT, which allows for an even more personalized and intelligent experience. I was blown away by how accurately it could predict and respond to my needs. While the current price point being at 0, I firmly believe that if the owner change it to a paid product but manages to make it a fair price in the future, it will be a tremendous success. The value that HARPA AI provides AMAZING, and I can see myself using this extension for years to come. In conclusion, if you’re looking for a web automation assistant that is truly amazing, look no further than HARPA AI. Its intelligence and efficiency, along with its seamless integration with ChatGPT, make it a must-have extension for anyone who wants a personalized AI assistant in their browser. Highly recommended!

  • 9.4.2023

    Ich weiß nicht wie es um die Sicherheit der Erweiterung steht. Ansonsten ist das ding super! Die Chrome-Erweiterung ChatGPT Sidebar hat mich voll und ganz überzeugt! Mit ihr kann ich jetzt ganz einfach und schnell auf alle wichtigen Funktionen von ChatGPT zugreifen, ohne dafür extra die Seite aufsuchen zu müssen. Die Sidebar lässt sich kinderleicht installieren und integriert sich perfekt in meinen Browser. Das Beste daran ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass alle wichtigen Fähigkeiten von ChatGPT direkt in der Sidebar enthalten sind. Egal ob ich eine Aufgabe formulieren will, eine Zusammenfassung oder eine Umschreibung brauche – ich finde alles, was ich brauche direkt in der Sidebar. Was mir besonders gut gefällt, ist die einfache und intuitive Bedienung der Sidebar. Alle Funktionen sind übersichtlich und klar strukturiert, so dass ich mich sehr schnell zurechtfinde. Auch die Möglichkeit, direkt eine neue Aufgabe zu formulieren, ohne dafür auf die ChatGPT-Seite wechseln zu müssen, ist sehr praktisch. Insgesamt bin ich absolut begeistert von der ChatGPT Sidebar Chrome-Erweiterung. Sie hat mir schon viele Stunden Arbeit erspart und ist aus meinem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ich kann jedem, der ChatGPT nutzt, wärmstens empfehlen, diese Erweiterung auszuprobieren – es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!

  • 9.4.2023

    omg i have heard of many AI but with one is so remarkable first like no other gives you a free words that you can test before subscribing to premium words, i recommend chat sonic to anyone now i just love the accuracy of this AI its amazing…love from Africa .

  • 9.4.2023

    Muy recomendable, hay que darse el tiempo necesario para estudiar la aplicación y usarla correctamente. Es un tremendo aporte incluso en las tareas más comunes.

  • 9.4.2023

    Excellent and easy to use, personally more preferred compared to chat GPT due to the templates and options it provides. Recommended to all ages

  • 9.4.2023

    Excellent features and easy to use, Still in order to get the most of it or all the features you need to register but even the free version can give you feel of all the amazing features it can deliver