Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 452

  • 30.3.2023

    Super mais le petit menu a coté du pointeur de la souris a tendance a ne pas se fermer et a perssister sur la fenêtre, Peut on avoir juste la fenêtre de recherche rapide a chaque invocations ? Great but the small menu next to the mouse pointer tends not to close and persists on the window, Can we have just the quick search window everytime ? and disable the small menu next to the mouse ? Merci pour ce super extension ! Thx !

  • 29.3.2023

    As a user of the AIPRM browser extension, I must say that it has been a great tool for me to generate output quickly and efficiently. The library of preset prompts is truly impressive, and it has saved me a lot of time in crafting quality content with just a few clicks. I also love the feature of being able to save my own prompts, which is very useful when I have specific needs. However, one area where I think AIPRM can improve is in the chat history. Sometimes, I want to identify which prompt was used for a previous output that I liked and want to use again, but I can’t go back to the chat history to find it. It would be great if this feature could be added in the future. Overall, I think AIPRM is a great tool that is still available to free users. They can store two private prompt templates and have one public upcoming, but the extension is not just for managing private prompts. The idea behind AIPRM is to share exciting prompts with all community members. In conclusion, I highly recommend AIPRM for anyone looking to save time and improve their content creation process. P.S. - this was written with the help of a prompt from AIPRM

  • 29.3.2023

    AIPRM for ChatGPT is an indispensable part of my daily workflow. I jumped onto Premium within minutes of it becoming available because it is increases my efficiency while working. The time saved is worth the price of a cheap lunch once a month. You can’t beat the community of prompt engineers that are consistently updating and improving their prompts. I love the vetted prompts. These are the prompts that the AIPRM staff have thoroughly tested and verified to provide consistent results above and beyond the community vetting. I have my favorites in the favorite tab. More importantly, I have special Lists tabs for each of my types of projects. This is saves so much time. I have not created my own prompts yet, which is another available benefit, but I do tweak prompts to tailor them to my specific need. Overall, I can’t imagine working without the shared knowledge of a community of prompt engineers. Oh, and a big thanks to the AIPRM for ChatGPT Premium that makes this possible.

  • 29.3.2023

    É a melhor extensão que conheço! Sou usuário fiel do navegador AIPRM, eu simplesmente não consigo imaginar meu trabalho criativo sem ela! Essa ferramenta tem sido absolutamente fundamental para mim em todo o meu processo de criação. A vasta biblioteca de prompts que ela oferece é algo impressionante e pelo que posso notar está em constante crescimento. Isso significa que há sempre algo novo e empolgante para explorar. Eu recomendo fortemente a extensão do navegador AIPRM para qualquer pessoa que esteja em busca de inspiração e deseje levar sua criatividade para o próximo nível.

  • 29.3.2023

    This is by far my favourite Chrome extension! I have been using it for about a week and I have been able to schedule my social media posts 2 weeks in advance because of how easy these prompts make it! Keep up the good work and I am excited to see what you guys do next!

  • 29.3.2023

    As a frequent user of the AIPRM browser extension, I have found it to be a valuable tool in my creative process. One of the biggest positive aspects of the extension is the vast library of prompts available to users. With over 2000 Community Prompts and growing daily, there is always something new and exciting to explore. In addition, the ability to store private prompt templates has been incredibly helpful for organizing my own ideas and keeping track of my creative projects. And with the option to have one public upcoming prompt, I am able to share my work with the community and receive valuable feedback and inspiration. While there have been some complaints about the recent changes to the tone and style selectors, I appreciate that these were only teasers for two weeks and are now available as part of the PLUS plan at a very reasonable price of just $5 a month. The team at AIPRM has always been transparent about their premium features and the value they provide to users. Unfortunately, there have also been some unfounded complaints about AIPRM stealing Community work and making money off it. As a long-time user, I can attest that all the Community Prompts are still available for free and have always been a core part of the AIPRM experience. It is disappointing to see false information being spread by competitors trying to discredit such a valuable tool for writers and creatives. Overall, I highly recommend the AIPRM browser extension to anyone looking to jumpstart their creativity and take their writing to the next level. The community aspect, along with the vast library of prompts and customizable options, make it a truly unique and valuable resource. And with the option for both free and premium accounts, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

  • 29.3.2023

    As a user of the AIPRM browser extension, I must say that it has significantly improved my workflow. The tool provides a centralized location for all prompts and templates, which has saved me a considerable amount of time. One of the standout features of AIPRM is the ability to store private and public templates, enabling me to customize my workflow while sharing exciting prompts with others. While there are some limitations to AIPRM, the benefits of using this tool outweigh any drawbacks. It’s worth noting that there are premium features available, and i can definitely say they are with the small monthly cost for the value it is brining me. Overall, I highly recommend AIPRM to anyone looking to simplify their workflow and integrate new ideas into their work. The AIPRM community is friendly and supportive, creating a welcoming space for individuals to improve their skills and achieve their goals.

  • 29.3.2023

    As a user of the AIPRM browser extension, I must say that I am extremely impressed with the features it has to offer. In just a short amount of time, I was able to unlock al sorts of AI capabilities and even managed to read and adapt some of the code to achieve even better results than the pre-made prompts to better fit my needs. I am continually amazed by the vast amount of information available with AIPRM and am always discovering new ways to use it. Recently, I tried bard and was blown away by how brief that product is This experience has only further convinced me of the value of using AIPRM. It was well worth paying for the program to get to see and figure out the prompts. Made me better faster But let’s not forget, AIPRM is still available to free users, who can store 2 private prompt templates and have 1 public upcoming. The problem with reviews of this product is there are so many people rushing in and not learning plus having done a lot with Google reviews there are always trolls and haters just have to ingnore them. Overall, I really can’t find anything not good about AIPRM. If there was one thing I could suggest, it would be great to have someone to guide me through it faster, but that’s just me being nitpicky. I truly believe that once you try AIPRM, you’ll only like it more and more as you use it. So go ahead, give it a try!

  • 29.3.2023

    I love it. Google search now has the best of both traditional search and chatgpt that give me excellent summarization without losing google search details.

  • 29.3.2023

    Now virsion of “WebChatGPT” have crush problem with “프롬프트 지니: ChatGPT 자동 번역기” Actually this is most famous google chrome app for ChatGPT now. so please fix this bug problem~