Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 527

  • 19.2.2023

    great, would love an option to reseize the text box, also a button continue the convocation by opining a new tab with chat gpt

  • 19.2.2023

    I love this so much, makes it so much easier to use ChatGPT. I have a question though, is it possible that you could make a way to do this on mobile? Since ChatGPT is available on almost every platform, having AIPRM on mobile would be great!

  • 19.2.2023

    Fantastic extension, as it does exactly what I though of when I tried to imagine a way for ChatGPT to access the Web. I thought of an old story about a con where a man puts two chess masters to play against each other without their knowing it playing each one in a different room and going back and forth between rooms effectively “relaying” their moves to each other. I do wish it could use DuckDuckGo’s “Bangs” commands that make it search wherever you want, like Google Scholar, Netflix or whatever. Does anyone know if that is possible and how? It would be AMAZING!!!

  • 18.2.2023

    It’s not used yet. I’m leaving a review because I couldn’t proceed with the review because it’s before I used it.

  • 18.2.2023

    It’s really useful. If you can add the support for Chinese and Japanese, it will become much more better.

  • 18.2.2023

    Excellent extension and extremely useful. I believe it should be embedded by default in all searches.

  • 18.2.2023

    As an AI language model, ChatGPT is an outstanding tool for anyone looking to engage in natural language conversations. I’ve had the opportunity to interact with ChatGPT and I must say that it has impressed me with its advanced abilities to understand and respond to a wide range of topics.

  • 18.2.2023

    Se avete un problema di funzionamento guardate qui: Dovete fare login su con il vostro account quindi andate su: e generate la vostra chiave quindi copiate la chiave creata e incollatela nella casellina AI provider>OpenAI API>API KEY che trovate al link: chrome-extension://jgjaeacdkonaoafenlfkkkmbaopkbilf/options.html

  • 18.2.2023

    已经登录chatgpt,Google搜索提示: Please login and pass Cloudflare check at OpenAI requires passing a security check every once in a while. If this keeps happening, change AI provider to OpenAI API in the extension options. 请问如何解决

  • 18.2.2023

    Ça fait un mois. J’utilise Merlin, une extension de ChatGPT magnifique, qui fonctionne sur tous les sites Web et dans la plupart des pays. J’adore l’utiliser !