Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 574

  • 7.4.2022

    I have found this highlight app through TikTok. It’s very beneficial for me. However, it helps me with plenty of things when I’m reading the news or searching for information with the scan. I think this app should be expanded for students to use so they can read easily without highlights.

  • 6.4.2022

    Simply it works and works well. It save me about 2-3 hours in my crazy 60 hour work week. I mainly use it in LinkedIn.

  • 5.4.2022

    Best time saving trick I’ve used in years! I am a die-hard Apple fan, and had been happily using their native text shortcuts for years. Then I was introduced to Magical by a coworker and was blown away by the extent of customization and function that Magical adds to my day. Magical has turned me into the equivalent of a business stenographer - I use the shortcuts for everything and save an incredible amount of time. I have even gone as far as challenging my employees to a monthly Magical Time saving challenge! My teammates each take a snap shot of Magical Time Saved Calculator at the start and end of each month and award a prize to the employees who save the most time. Magical is aptly named.

  • 4.4.2022

    i always love liner because it helped me to see the youtube class first, i noted where should i write and ask dout to the sir so this helped me a lot thank you for devoloping this kind of website

  • 1.4.2022

    This really helps me with my research paper, i could easily find the keywords ill be needing. And wheni accidentally closed a tab, poof- its still there.

  • 31.3.2022

    LINER is the best! It helps me to find the documents I need and highlight important information on my computer! I totally recommend this app, Of-Course the experience might be different for everyone but for me it’s really good.

  • 29.3.2022

    Magical is the best automation extension I use! I tried and paid :-( for “Text Expander and it was only bugs! Magical is pretty magic! I just love it!

  • 29.3.2022

    Today only I came to know about this extension through ad in the YouTube and it is really helping me out to prepare for my viva.

  • 29.3.2022

    Great app for research. The ability to save articles in one place and tag them for different purposes is great. This has saved me so much time with my research, I use it daily on multiple devices.

  • 27.3.2022

    너무 편합니다. 논문 읽을 때 많이 쓰고 있어요 ㅎㅎ. 웹으로 찾는 정보가 너무 많은데 그 정보들을 언젠가 다시 보고 싶을 때 클립하고 메모 하는 용으로도 좋고, 내가 찾는 정보를 organize 하는 용으로도 좋은 것 같습니다. ㅎㅎ