Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 644

  • 5.6.2021

    Keeping track of my thought (specifically when off my ADHD meds) is so much easier with this. I love it so much. It took a while to input all of the shortcuts, and I wish there was some sort of variation tool so you don’t have to enter 2 shortcuts for an upper and lowercase version of the same thing; but other than that its amazing. :)

  • 29.5.2021

    This is a great extension. Showing the sidebar on mouseover is really a great thing. Unlike most other reviews, I didn’t encounter any bugs so far. Everything works flawless.

  • 18.5.2021

    OMG guys this is the best i cant get more love out of it and those that say its a virus it is not it helps you highlight stuff you want to highlight and help you know which link is the best one to chose

  • 18.5.2021

    File : selector-c91dbedc.js:4 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘querySelectorAll’ on ‘Document’: ‘.1’ is not a valid selector. at n (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/selector-c91dbedc.js:4:5908) at t.default (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/selector-c91dbedc.js:4:5493) at c (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/selector-c91dbedc.js:4:12099) at r.default (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/selector-c91dbedc.js:4:11476) at Ue (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/selector-c91dbedc.js:4:31329) at I (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/autofill-forms-a097ee15.js:11:1670) at F (chrome-extension://iibninhmiggehlcdolcilmhacighjamp/autofill-forms-a097ee15.js:11:442) getting above error in dev console.

  • 9.5.2021

    Download it. Used to be called text expander and now with name change and additional features its only gotten better.

  • 8.5.2021

    WOW. I have tried many tab manager extensions over the years - I’m glad I randomly decided to see if there were any new good ones in the chrome web store. This is really well polished, the work of a developer who’s passionate about their craft.

  • 7.5.2021

    I love this extension! It has saved me sooooo much time! I really like the shortcut of the double forward slash (//) to see shortcuts….HOWEVER because of this it is interfering with the Google Apps Script editor!! The double forward slash is how you to inline commenting AND it won’t let me. It would be great to be able to “turn off” the extension on sites that it causes problems. I hate to keep having to turn it on and off…. but I will until it is fixed!!

  • 5.5.2021

    Super helpful. And when FB did an update and Magical wasn’t working, I reached out to customer support and they sent me a patch that fixed it! Great customer service!

  • 29.4.2021

    Great - helps me save so much time for work and also for sending birthday messages, scheduling meetings, everything! Works so many more places than it did before.

  • 20.4.2021

    Love it. Use it everyday and have for a while. It still has a lot of room for improvement, but it is simple to use and very useful. Looking forward to more improvements!