Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 444

  • 2.4.2023

    tanta roba. 60.000 parole in un attimo diventano poche, se usato bene aiuta veramente, l’opzione sommario della pagina è notevole per risparmiare tempo durante la navigazione

  • 2.4.2023

    I have been using the AIPRM browser extension for a while now and I am really impressed with its features, especially the robust library of extremely high-quality prompts. The vast selection makes it easy to find just the right prompt for any occasion. In addition, I appreciate the community forums, which have been a wealth of knowledge and full of helpful, active people. The support and engagement within the community have truly enhanced my experience with the extension. One aspect that could be improved, however, is the upgrade process for existing plans. Currently, users need to purchase a whole new plan instead of being able to upgrade their existing one. It would be more convenient and user-friendly to provide a seamless upgrade process. Despite this minor issue, I still find the AIPRM extension to be an exceptional tool. I love that I can create, save, and share my own custom prompts and receive feedback from the community. This feature not only helps me improve my prompts but also contributes to the overall growth and development of the community. For those who might be concerned about the temporary removal of the tone and style selectors, these features were merely teasers and are now part of the PLUS plan, which is reasonably priced at only $5 a month. Moreover, I would like to clarify that the AIPRM team has never made money off the community’s work, as claimed by a few “users” who seem to be working for competitors. The over 2000 community prompts remain available for free, and the number continues to grow daily. Lastly, it’s important to remember that AIPRM is still available for free users, offering the ability to store two private prompt templates and have one public upcoming prompt. The platform was designed with the idea of sharing exciting prompts with all community members, making it an inclusive and engaging environment for everyone. In conclusion, the AIPRM browser extension is a powerful tool with a vibrant community, offering an extensive library of prompts and opportunities for collaboration. While there is a minor issue with upgrading plans, the overall experience remains positive and valuable. I highly recommend the AIPRM extension to anyone seeking to enhance their creativity and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • 2.4.2023

    It’s Good , would recommend to all my friends. The technology is advanced and provides answers quickly, the insights and recommendations are also extremely useful. Great extension overall.

  • 2.4.2023

    Eu fiquei impressionado com o Chatsonic, sua capacidade de processar informações e responder rapidamente me fez pensar que estava conversando com uma pessoa de verdade, é uma inteligência artificial muito boa.

  • 2.4.2023

    How do I add a new language for the speech recognition (language dropdown), i want to add French canada and not just French; thank you for resolving issue around the chatgpt url

  • 2.4.2023

    Je suis un grand fan de l’application WriteSonic, qui offre une gamme impressionnante de fonctionnalités pour l’apprentissage automatique et le traitement du langage naturel. L’interface de l’application est facile à utiliser et la documentation est claire et concise, ce qui facilite l’apprentissage et la mise en œuvre des différents modèles et algorithmes proposés. La qualité des modèles est exceptionnelle, avec des résultats précis et fiables dans une variété de tâches, telles que la traduction automatique, la génération de texte, la réponse aux questions et bien d’autres encore. En outre, la communauté WriteSonic est très active et fournit régulièrement des mises à jour et des améliorations, ce qui garantit que les modèles restent à jour et pertinents. Je suis également impressionné par l’engagement d’WriteSonic en matière d’éthique et de transparence dans l’IA. Ils ont créé des normes élevées pour la sécurité et la responsabilité des technologies de l’IA, ce qui est essentiel pour la confiance et l’adoption à long terme de ces technologies. En somme, je recommande vivement l’application WriteSonic à tous les professionnels et passionnés de l’IA qui cherchent à explorer de nouvelles fonctionnalités et à améliorer leur compréhension de cette technologie en constante évolution.

  • 2.4.2023

    Es la mejor extension que probé con integracion de ChatGPT, poder personalizar las acciones me resulta muy util, ha simplificado muchas de mis tareas

  • 1.4.2023

    This has almost entirely eliminated the need for the website for me. The developer responds extremely quickly, and it’s a great tool overall. Highly recommend. Make sure to actually take the time to set it up properly and look at how it all works. If you do that, it will pay off.

  • 1.4.2023

    Writesonic is amazing! For my masters program, I have been assigned a project to write 20 literature reviews. Using the tools Writesonic offers has saved me SO much time! Their chatsonic too is like chatGPT but even better, providing more accuracy in real time. I especially like using the “rephrase” tool. I use this tool to paraphrase the content generated from AI so I can assure I am protected from any copy rights or plagiarism concerns. Witesonic just announced the new GPT-4 which I am so excited to explore!

  • 1.4.2023

    I’m delighted to share that updates for this extension are rolling out rapidly and, the best part, they’re catering to my needs perfectly without me having to request anything. I’ve been utilizing this extension for almost a month, and it’s amazing how much value it offers. Highly recommend trying it out!