Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 493

  • 11.3.2023

    I live in one of the very few countries where chatbot GPT does not work. This was actually a blessing because I got to know ChatSonic. ChatSonic. is easy to understand and use. It is intuitive and offers a lot of options. I used it to write emails and answer Quora questions, and it was all good However, the best feature is when I wanted to write a comprehensive 4-step article about a fairly technical subject. ChatSonic came to the rescue and the output was really amazing.

  • 11.3.2023

    impressive results, high quality content and fast results. The interface is user friendly. Thank You

  • 11.3.2023

    WriteSonic is an incredible Chrome extension that makes writing content a breeze. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, anyone can create high-quality content with ease. Whether you’re a blogger, content marketer, or business owner, WriteSonic has got you covered. One of the most impressive features of WriteSonic is its AI-powered content generation capabilities. With WriteSonic, you can generate high-quality content in minutes. The extension uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your topic and generate relevant content that is both engaging and informative. This feature alone saves writers hours of research and writing time. But WriteSonic is not just a content generator. It also has a range of other features that make it an essential tool for any writer. For example, the extension includes a powerful grammar and spell checker that can catch even the most subtle errors. This feature is particularly helpful for non-native English speakers who may struggle with English grammar and syntax. Another great feature of WriteSonic is its ability to suggest new content ideas. With its AI-powered suggestion engine, the extension can analyze your writing and suggest new topics that may be relevant to your audience. This feature is incredibly helpful for content marketers who are always looking for new ideas to engage their audience. WriteSonic also includes a variety of templates that writers can use to get started quickly. The extension includes templates for blog posts, social media posts, product descriptions, and more. These templates provide a great starting point for writers and can help them save time and effort. One of the best things about WriteSonic is how easy it is to use. The extension is designed with a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to get started. Even if you’re not a tech-savvy person, you can use WriteSonic with ease. In conclusion, WriteSonic is an incredible Chrome extension that has revolutionized the way we write content. With its AI-powered content generation capabilities, powerful grammar and spell checker, content suggestion engine, and variety of templates, WriteSonic is a must-have tool for any writer. Whether you’re a blogger, content marketer, or business owner, WriteSonic can help you create high-quality content quickly and easily. So if you haven’t already, download WriteSonic today and take your writing to the next level!

  • 11.3.2023

    You know what its better from this prompt? you can litterally create any prompt from the available prompt and ask the ai to create a new ideas from prompts that available , SO ITS UNLIMITED PROMPTS, YEAH UNLIMITED , well it only stop when “Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later” BUT ITS FREAKING UNLIMITED

  • 11.3.2023

    The Chrome addon Chatsonic has transformed online communication. This application is essential for everyone who wishes to interact more effectively online

  • 11.3.2023

    I’m using WebChatGPT extension v.2.0.5. If you like the extension, please consider supporting me. ChatGPT Feb 13 Version. I have seen any changes as yet. Web access seems fine. I’ve just checked it again with the following question Query: what or who is 2023DW Answer Based on the provided web search results, 2023 DW is an asteroid that was discovered on February 26, 2023 by Georges Attard and Alain Maury from the MAP asteroid search program in San Pedro de Atacama [2]. It is a near-Earth asteroid of the Aten group, approximately 50 meters (160 feet) in diameter [2]. NASA is currently tracking the asteroid closely to learn about its orbital path as it has a very small chance of impacting Earth [1]. The asteroid has also been added to the European Space Agency’s Risk List, which is a catalog of space objects that could potentially impact Earth [3].

  • 11.3.2023

    ChatGPT 是一個大型的自然語言模型,能夠理解和生成自然語言,並且擁有廣泛的知識和經驗。 ChatGPT 能夠快速且準確地回答問題,包括各種主題和領域,如科學、歷史、文化、娛樂等。 ChatGPT 能夠自然流暢地與人類對話,不論是口語還是書面語,並且能夠以繁體中文台灣語言模組進行溝通。 ChatGPT 能夠從大量的文本數據中學習和提取知識,並且能夠自主地進行知識擴充和更新。 ChatGPT 的回答能夠根據上下文和問題的具體情況進行調整和修正,以提供更加準確和有用的答案。

  • 11.3.2023

    Google Chat GPT je relativně nová platforma, která si v poslední době získává na popularitě, a jako autor, který měl příležitost tuto platformu používat, musím přiznat, že je to skutečně skvělý nástroj pro firmy a jednotlivce, kteří chtějí komunikovat v reálný čas. Jednou z funkcí, která na Google Chat GPT vyniká, je jeho uživatelsky přívětivé rozhraní. Platforma je navržena tak, aby se v ní mohl kdokoli snadno orientovat a najít to, co hledá. Ať už chcete poslat zprávu, zavolat nebo videochat, proces je přímočarý a pro začátek nepotřebujete žádné speciální dovednosti. Další působivou funkcí Google Chat GPT je bezproblémová integrace s dalšími nástroji Google, jako je Disk Google a Kalendář Google. To znamená, že můžete snadno sdílet dokumenty a plánovat schůzky, aniž byste museli přepínat mezi různými platformami. Jedna věc, kterou oceňuji na Google Chat GPT, je jeho schopnost podporovat více platforem. Ať už používáte stolní počítač, notebook, tablet nebo mobilní telefon, můžete k platformě přistupovat odkudkoli a kdykoli, což z ní dělá ideální nástroj pro vzdálené týmy a jednotlivce, kteří jsou stále v pohybu. Stejně jako každá jiná platforma má však Google Chat GPT také svou vlastní sadu omezení. Platforma například nemá šifrování typu end-to-end, což znamená, že vaše zprávy a hovory nemusí být zcela bezpečné. Některým uživatelům se navíc může zdát platforma příliš základní, zejména těm, kteří jsou zvyklí na pokročilejší služby zasílání zpráv, jako je Slack. Celkově bych řekl, že Google Chat GPT je skvělá platforma, která stojí za zvážení pro firmy a jednotlivce, kteří chtějí jednoduchou a uživatelsky přívětivou službu zasílání zpráv. Jeho bezproblémová integrace s dalšími nástroji Google, podpora více platforem a snadné použití z něj činí spolehlivý nástroj pro komunikaci v reálném čase.

  • 11.3.2023

    Wow, this does it all! Can track and monitor prices and query the page or partial text or whatever. This is really the complete package. I discovered this while trying to build one for myself, but noticed this and downloaded it.

  • 10.3.2023

    Je n’ai pas encore eu l’occasion de tout essayer, mais cette extension m’est déjà très utile. Merci pour avoir ajouté le format .md, j’apprécie