Recent Chatgenie extension reviews : Page 656

  • 24.2.2017

    I love it, as I like to highlight stuff while studying from a pdf or the internet. I dont necessarily need the highlighted stuff later, but I just like to highlight stuff which is important, so that it gets in my mind. What about an android app?

  • 18.2.2017

    One the best and most useful tools I have ever come across. I will try to donate if they have donations enabled. Next extension I am looking for is auto correct, now where could I find that?

  • 14.2.2017

    Me gusta la sincronización con otras apps como Pocket, me es útil para investigaciones y extractar información puntual de artículos

  • 13.2.2017

    I’ve been looking for a web browser highlighter and I love this one. It saves my highlights, has a great interface with Facebook and also works with Pocket which I use extensively.

  • 13.2.2017

    even just yellow marker can help a lot in browsing the web, esp. when revisiting the web, I can easily find the mark quickly

  • 30.1.2017

    I’ve been using the extension and it’s amazing! But now lately I’m having a problem with it where for example my shortcode for “cancellation” is cxl, but instead it delays the replacement and comes out as: ccancellation or ccancellationx as if it registered the shortcode late. Any bug? thank you.

  • 27.1.2017

    Wow! It just made my day. I do not need to type all same phrases and names to my clients in support forms. Save a lot of time to me and simply works. I am happy to find it!

  • 20.1.2017

    I love this program, I’ve been looking for something similar for a long time, but haven’t been able to find it until now. What I like best about Liner is that it allows you to highlight pages you’re reading, and then will send you email reminders of what you’ve read later on. I also save all of my highlights in a folder to Evernote to see later. My saved highlights will also include a link to the article. One big problem I’ve had for a long time is reading articles and then forgetting what I’ve read in a short amount of time. Being able to save the most useful information and sending me email reminders actually gives me the ability to store that information in my long-term memory. I’m amazed that there hasn’t been a program up until now that did exactly this, because it’s extremely helpful. I’m really hoping that the next step in this program is the same features for a mobile device – allowing for anything on a mobile device (web pages, Pocket saves, PDFs, etc) to be highlighted and saved to my account. Can’t stop singing the praises of this app! I’ve been telling everyone I know who reads regularly to get it.

  • 7.12.2016

    Simply amazing extension. Just wondering how to make the intro button to be included on the shortcut

  • 11.11.2016

    Great tool! It has minor limitations, but on the whole it has saved me immense amounts of time and continues to do so.